IICRC Trauma & Crime Scene Technician (TCST)
The Trauma and Crime Scene Technician (TCST) course provides specific information for the proper inspection, scope, and cleaning practices of scenes contaminated with blood, body fluids, and other potentially infectious materials.
The IICRC-approved Trauma and Crime Scene Technician (TCST) course provides training in the proper maintenance and cleaning of trauma and crime scenes. Emphasis is placed on the following topics: health and safety requirements, including the donning and doffing of personal protective equipment and creating a hazard assessment of the area; structural remediation; contents remediation; and the cleaning and disposal of vehicles and industrial machinery, including lockout/tagout and working with industrial site officers. Cleaning techniques and equipment will be demonstrated, and laws regarding hazardous waste, transport, storage, and disposal will be discussed. This course will enable the participant to obtain IICRC TCST certification.